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Madame Maryland's Horoscope: May 2019

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: May 2019

May has arrived, and summer's just around the corner -- how exciting! There's a whole world of possibilities in store for you, but you may not be sure how to handle what's coming around the bend. Luckily, Madame Maryland can help. She looked into her crystal ball, and this is what she saw. 

You've got all the time in the world...until you don't! Procrastination will be the enemy this month, Aries, and now's the time to be vigilant and make sure that you're not leaving everything to the last minute. A little bit of preparation will take you far, and you might even get a second to breathe! 
Some things never change, Taurus, and you usually like it that way. But this month could bring a change into your life that you're actually pretty pleased with. It's easy to become content with the way things are, but once you're presented with an alternative that makes you happy, jump on it!
Gemini season is close at hand, and you're going to want to go into it on the right foot. This is the perfect month to remind yourself of which people in your life bring out the best in you, and which people you'd be better off leaving in your past. A little tidy up of your personal life is a great way to start off your new years! 
You're known for being a sensitive sign, but this month, you may want to check and be sure you're not being too sensitive. Others in your life who are just trying to help or lend a hand don't necessarily want to hurt your feelings, and a wake-up call may be just what you need this month. It's not always easy to swallow, but sometimes it can really help.
A listening ear may be just what the doctor ordered this month, Leo. Having a deep conversation with someone can really ease your mind, and you may be surprised to learn that there are people in your life you can be so open with! Start off your summer with a clear conscience and an even stronger relationship with someone important. 
Does it feel like you're standing at a crossroads, Virgo? This month, you may not be sure which road to walk down, and that indecision is leaving you stuck. Luckily, your sign is pretty darn detail-oriented, and you're definitely one to do your research before making any big change. Now's the time to feel confident in that decision! 
No, you're not imagining things this month -- everybody seems to be flocking to you! Whether you're making new friends, getting new matches on your favorite dating app, or connecting with lots of new networking contacts at work, May is your month to be the social butterfly. Take advantage of all the new opportunities that are at hand! 
The arts are calling your name this month, Scorpio. Can you hear it? It's the sound of a new art gallery to explore, a new concert to attend, or even a new paint night to sit around with friends and attempt to become the next Picasso at. After all, there's so much more to life than work! 
Have you been just going with the flow just to avoid a confrontation? This is the month to stop being a Yes person and start being more honest! Of course, you don't have to be rude or aggressive about it, but the time has come to stop putting up with things you don't like just to keep the boat from rocking. You can do it!
Normally, communication isn't much of an issue for you, Capricorn, but other people may not be ready to hear what you have to say. Now's the time to be patient and clear in order to avoid any issues down the road! Your friends, family members or coworkers will get it eventually -- just keep at it.
Do you have summer plans in place, Aquarius? You're going to need to get on the ball now if you're going to want to have the kind of summer you've been dreaming of since January! Take some time to get your travel buddies together sooner rather than later, start chatting, and turn those ideas into reality.
Be honest -- when's the last time you treated yourself? You've had your eyes on the prize (the prize being, you know, responsibility) for a long time, but May may be the perfect time to indulge in something just for you, whether that's a trip to the beach, a fancy dinner, or a night out at the movies! Hey, you've earned it.

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