June is here, Marylanders! Wondering what's in store as the weather gets hotter and the days get longer? Lucky for you, Madame Maryland is here! She's got all the answers you need, thanks to her trusty crystal ball. Here's what she saw for your sign.
Procrastination loves to rear its ugly head just when you really need to be working on something, so don't let it win this month! If you've got a project or even just a conversation or action that can't be put off, get it over with and enjoy the relief that comes with getting it out of the way.
It's all about the live music this summer! Gemini, you're ready to hit the concerts in style. Maybe you're seeing an old favorite for the millionth time, or maybe you're taking a chance on an act you've never seen. Either way, you're ready to rock!
Feeling torn between two groups of friends, Cancer? You've got a choice -- try to rise above the bickering, or pick the group that you align with more. Just remember that it's your choice, and you've got to do what gives you peace!
It's time for a digital clean-up, Leo! Those gazillions of photos, emails, and tabs that have been junking up your phone or laptop need to go. You'll find that getting rid of all of the dead weight will make you feel a lot more efficient.
Why put up with something that can be fixed? If you've been living with something that annoys you but seems too small to address, it's time to say enough is enough. Use this month to fix all those little irritating things that bug you!
Waiting around won't make anything happen for you this month, Libra. You've got to put your plans into action! Get motivated to get things done, and you'll be unstoppable all month long.
You're ready to party! Whatever pool parties, bonfires, and outdoor bashes are heading your way, you're here to meet them head on. After a few months of lying low and working hard, it's a great time to let loose and have some fun.
It's easy to get discouraged when you're not great at a new skill, Sag, but don't let that turn you off. You're never going to be perfect as a newbie, but use June to hone your skills and commit to practicing -- soon, you'll be pretty darn close to perfect.
Thinking about getting back to nature this month? June is a great time to take a hike, swim in a lake, or just dip your toes in a creek. There's more to life than just being inside, so brave the heat and the bugs and enjoy some outdoor time.
Are you paying attention to your dreams? This could be a great month to learn more about dream interpretation! Pay attention to what you're dreaming about -- you could be getting some important messages.