April Fool's Day is the one chance each year that we all get to actively try and trick and prank our loved ones! Looking for some inspiration? We've got a few ideas that are ultimately harmless but pretty funny. Use discretion, choose the right moment, and you've got yourself a great prank.
1. Replace-a-face
The night before April Fool's, print or cut out photos of a celebrity (Nic Cage is a great choice, but it can be anyone you choose) to place inside photo frames in your home or dorm. See how long it takes for your family or roommates to notice them all. If you're really feeling ambitious (so start now), take pics of yourself recreating the photos that you're about to replace.
2. Dud donut box
Get a donut box from your favorite chain (they may give you one for free, or you can buy donuts and store them or eat them). Write 'help yourself!' on the box and then fill it with perfectly edible but disappointing snacks like veggies or raisins.
3. Bubble jump scare
Tape a layer of thin bubble wrap to the bottom of your siblings' or roommates' shoes. When they head to work or school, they'll get a noisy surprise! You can also hide it under a bath mat or living room rug, or if you're really devious, under the toilet seat.
4. Plastic party
Buy a bulk-size bag of plastic army men or animals and hide them all over the house or dorm the night before April 1. Your family is going to be finding them all day long, especially if you get creative and hide them in the butter dish, the medicine cabinet, and in the freezer.
5. Stuff swap
This one's both harmless and incredibly frustrating -- swap things from drawers and containers into new ones. Got two boxes of cereal? Switch the bags. Take out all the cutlery and put the spoons where the knives were. Exchange the sock and underwear drawer. It'll be sure to get everyone groaning!
6. Sparkle surprise
If you're truly feeling evil, mail a friend or family member a card that's stuffed with glitter. Just don't be surprised when they get you back next year, because that glitter will be in their carpet up until April 1, 2025!