college sports

Quiz: How Well Do You Know These Maryland College Teams?

Eva Niessner

Quiz: How Well Do You Know These Maryland College Teams?

Now that football season is approaching, you're probably thinking about your alma mater's homecoming game. But how well do you actually know the teams here in Maryland? If you're an expert on the Free State's college teams, prove it -- see how many of these you can get right.

Let's start off easy. What do we call the teams out of University of Maryland, College Park?

A. Snappers

B. Terrapins

C. Leatherbacks

D. Loggerheads


We bet you got that one! But what about Towson University? 

A. Jaguars

B. Lions

C. Tigers

D. Cougars


Okay, maybe you knew that one too. Let's try the teams out of Salisbury.

A. Killer Whales

B. Sea Dogs

C. Sting Rays

D. Sea Gulls


Got it? See if you can name the teams that come from Bowie State

A. Bulldogs

B. Labradors

C. Huskies

D. Greyhounds


Speaking of canine teams, can you name the team that plays out of University of Maryland, Baltimore County?

A. Dalmations

B. Retrievers

C. Wolfhounds

D. Pit Bulls


Last one! How about the teams from out in Frostburg State?

A. Bobcats

B. Black Bears

C. Mountain Lions

D. Grizzlies


How'd you do? Check your score below.

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. A

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