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Madame Maryland's Horoscopes: August 2018

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscopes: August 2018

Summertime goes by so fast, Marylanders! It seems like it was just a moment ago that we were trying to shake off the cold, and now it's nearly fall again. But don't fret if you still feel like there's stuff you need to accomplish this summer. You've still got time! Here's what Madame Maryland suggests for each sign: 

This month, it's time to take a good hard look at your finances, Aries. If you're not sure where all of your cash is going, take some time to calculate what most of your paycheck is going towards (or download an app that'll do that for you -- who's got time to do that longhand?). And if you're dreaming of a new car or a cruise for the winter, well, now's an ideal time to start saving!
August is the month for you to get back to nature! How much outside time have you actually gotten this summer, Taurus? It's time to get some of that Vitamin D -- whether that comes from going for a hike, heading to the ocean, or just going for a daily walk around the block. Challenge yourself to identify some bird calls or leaves as you go. You may be surprised at how many you know! 
Enough waiting around, Gemini -- August is the month for you to take the plunge that you've been putting off. Is that asking out that cute friend that you've been flirting with? Is it asking your boss for a raise, or changing your major? Whatever it may be, August will be the month to go for it! Cast that fear aside and think of how good life will be when you finally get what you want. We're cheering for you!
This month is the perfect time to unleash your inner child! Don't get us wrong -- it's important to take care of your adult responsibilities. But that doesn't mean you can take a break from them for an afternoon or a weekend in August. Summer is a great time to grab a popsicle, sit in a kiddie pool and listen to the hits from your youth (Spice Girls, anyone?). You've earned it, Cancer! 
It's your birthday month, Leo! That means celebrations are in order -- real celebrations, they way that you want them. Be honest with your friends and family about what you want, and don't feel pressured to say yes to something that you don't actually care about. Would you rather spend your birthday playing board games at home than out at the club? Speak up and say so! You'll be glad you did.
Don't know how to meditate, Virgo? August is the month to learn how -- and take on some other self-care tasks that will make you feel so much happier and healthier! Hit up a yoga class or just open up YouTube and look up how to do some breathing exercises or walk yourself through a gorgeous guided meditation. Start fall off on the right foot by feeling balanced and refreshed! 
August is going to be the month to indulge your palate, Libra. If you've spent the summer surviving off takeout Chinese and pizza, end the season with a bang by treating yourself to something a little fancier (and there are plenty of fantastic restaurants here in Maryland to choose from!). Or haul out the old family cookbooks and make something from scratch! You may just discover a new favorite.
This month, you're feeling awfully competitive, so why not put that energy to good use? Join an amateur sports league or start a trivia team -- anything you can do to show everyone your stuff, brains, brawn, or something in between. We'd remind you that it's all just a game, but we know you won't be happy this month until you get that big win. Good luck, Scorpio! 
What matters most to you this month is helping others, Sagittarius! You've been looking around this summer and seeing how good you have it -- and noticing that others may not be so lucky. Luckily, there are so many ways to help others, in your community, in Maryland, and beyond. Join up with an existing organization or start a fundraiser of your own! By the time September comes, you'll have made a difference in someone's life. 
August is your month to finally go on that vacation you've been thinking about, Cap. You worked away all of June and July -- and now it's time to play instead. While your coworkers are stuck in the office, you're going to be on an airplane, in a hotel, or sitting in the sand without a care in the world. All of that hard work and hoarded PTO really does pay off! 
Is your bookshelf looking dusty and untouched? Don't let the summer finish up without getting into at least one good read! Whether you opt for a fun beach read or you've decided to jump into an ambitious project (War and Peace, anyone?), you're going to feel so accomplished when you close that book or come to the last page on your e-reader. And why stop there? Start another...and another...and another! 
How many shops and restaurants in your town have you actually been to? Well, August is your month to start patronizing local businesses and you could discover some amazing hidden gems! Your new favorite cafe or bookstore is out there, just waiting for you to find it. (Of course, you've already found your favorite local clothing store -- us! But there's plenty of other cool stuff to come upon, too.)

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