
Madame Maryland's Horoscope: May 2024

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: May 2024


Happy May, Marylanders! Spring is truly here, and we're looking forward to vacations, warm weather, and the start of cookout season. But what does the month have in store for your sign? Well, Madame Maryland looked into her crystal ball -- here's what she saw. 


Feeling overly sensitive lately? It's time to toughen up! Keep in mind that not everything is a personal attack or a criticism of you as a person. Some critiques are truly made to help you, so don't overreact. 



Feeling like hot stuff? You should! If you've been wondering whether to change up your look this month, go for it -- the switch-up will have you feeling like a million bucks. Flaunt it! 


Nobody likes going through uncomfortable new phases of growth, but it's definitely worth it, Gemini. This month may be a time of adjustment that's not cozy or easy, but the changes that occur could push you forward into an amazing new phase of life! 


This is a great month to strengthen your bonds with the most important people in your life! Whether those are people you work with, your friends, your family, or your special someone, use May to show your appreciation with words, cards, or gifts. After all, you couldn't do it without them! 


If you've been making excuses for not-so-great behavior (say, staying up way too late, grabbing fast food every night, or not paying back money you borrow), it's time to put an end to it. Leo, use this month to get back on the straight and narrow, and you'll feel downright relieved. 


Don't be afraid to be spontaneous this month, Virgo! There are so many opportunities out there that aren't on your schedule, so if you see something that you truly want, take the chance and grab it. 


This month is a great time to embark on a passion project -- something purely for you. Instead of asking what will make money or what will impress other people, ask yourself what will truly make you happy, and go for it! 


It's time to make your needs known, Scorpio -- you can't expect to get what you want if you don't ask for it. When someone asks for your honest opinion, don't be shy. Ask directly for what you actually need, and be sure to get it!


What -- or who -- represents home to you? Maybe it's your house, your family, or your favorite work spot. Maybe it's going out with your friend group of many years, or maybe it's staying in with your pets. Whatever home may be in your mind, it's time to devote more love and care to it. 


Get your body moving, Cap! This month is the perfect time to emerge from your blanket cocoon and treat yourself to a walk on a gorgeous day or a dance party with friends. You deserve to get that blood pumping! 


Is your space feeling way too crowded? It's time to re-organize! Maybe it's a good opportunity for you to pare down your belongings, but a workable organization system will make it possible to keep all of your favorite things. Put some effort into it, and you'll reap the rewards for months. 


Not all habits that you should break are necessarily bad; they just may not be serving you anymore. As you grow and evolve, you won't need to do all of the same things you used to, so take stock of what habits help you out and which ones hold you back this month. 

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