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Madame Maryland's Horoscope: May 2020

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: May 2020

Happy May, Marylanders! Do April showers really bring May flowers? Will we figure out how to keep our boredom at bay as we continue to stay indoors? Madame Maryland has the answers -- she looked into her crystal ball, and here's what she saw.

Communication is essential for everyone these days, Aries, but if you've found yourself beginning to withdraw, it's time to change that! Catch up on the group chat, give your parents a call, or teach your grandma how to video call. Trust us, it's worth it.
Staying in and sticking to a routine have never been hard for you, but that doesn't mean that you never get restless. It's time to get creative! Whether it's finding a new walking route or a new Youtube channel to get absorbed in, now's a great time to shake free of the monotony -- on your own terms.
Yes, getting free of the typical structure is freeing, and even fun. But the allure of waking up at one in the afternoon gets old after awhile. May is a great month to take stock of your day-to-day and see how you can put things in some kind of order (though we're not going to say no to eating cookies for dinner). 
Clingy much? These days, you may find that you really, really need attention, and you're not sure why you're not getting it. If your friends or family aren't providing it, don't get down, Cancer. Everyone's a little stressed right now, and a little communication will go a long way. 
How well do you know yourself, Leo? How well do you know your partner, or your friends? This is a great month to do some soul searching. Download some books or hit some websites to learn more about getting down deep and cultivating some great relationships -- especially with yourself! 
Normally, Virgo, you're not a particularly emotional sign. But maybe that's a little different this month, and that's okay! If you need to let it out, let it out. You're good at surrounding yourself with others who are happy to listen and empathize, so don't be afraid to cry. 
May is a great month to expand your horizons, Libra. Why not order from a local restaurant you've always been meaning to try, or hit your stack of to-be-read books? You've got the energy to spare, and you want to use it in the most fulfilling way possible. 
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right, Scorpio? Use your time and creativity to come up with something special for your loved ones that you haven't been able to see for, you know, two months. A care package with homemade cookies could do the trick! 
Let's get back to basics, Sag. Are you taking good care of yourself -- like, actually good care of yourself? We're talking sleeping, eating, the whole nine yards. If you've been neglecting something important, now's the time to alter the course. May's all about a fresh, happy, healthy you. 
We're supposed to be sheltering in place, but that doesn't mean you can't have access to ANY fresh air. Are you stuck in a stale room, Cap? Get the windows open, at the minimum. Go for a walk when you can, or spend some time growing easy plants like beans out in the yard. 
Let's get moving! Staying in is no reason to be sitting in the same place all day, right, Aquarius? Bust out your old Wii Sports Resort game or teach yourself the latest TikTok dance -- anything to get you up and on your feet. No need to worry about difficulty; it's not a competition, just a celebration. 
Is your credit card burning a hole in your pocket? Well, Pisces, you're in luck! There are so many local businesses (like ours!) that could use your support right now. You can still shop for everyone in your life (and, you know, yourself) without worrying about how your neighborhood stores will fare. Win-win! 

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