
Madame Maryland's Horoscope: June 2024

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: June 2024


Happy June, Marylanders! Summer's in full swing and you're probably loving the warm weather and snowballs this time of year has to offer. But what is in store for your zodiac sign? Well, Madame Maryland looked into her crystal ball and here's what she saw.


When's the last time you played an old favorite game from your childhood? Bust out the Nintendo 64 or dust off your old copy of Monopoly or Clue. A little nostalgia will do you a lot of good! 



Be honest. When's the last time you cleaned up your car, Taurus? You spend plenty of time there, so it's time to give it the refresh it deserves. Haul out the trash, find the proper place to store all your stuff, and maybe even take it through the car wash. 


Is a side hustle calling your name? Maybe this is the month to start a project that could give you a little extra cash for that vacation you really want to take or the clothes you've been eyeing. If you've got a little extra time or energy, this could be the time to make money moves. 


Be bold this month, Cancer! This is a great time to shoot your shot -- ask out that cutie that you've been pining over, or talk to your boss about the raise that you've been working hard for. After all, you'll never know unless you try. 


Try to enjoy the simple things to this month. Whether it's a sunrise over the ocean, a starry sky at night way out in the country, or a good home-cooked meal, you might be surprised to learn how much happiness you can get out of unfussy and simple pleasures. 


Endings aren't always a bad thing. Sometimes they can open the door to new, even better beginnings. So if something is coming to an end this month, don't despair -- a new opportunity is right around the corner. 


If you've forgotten the reason you and an estranged friend even fell out in the first place, it may be time to revisit things. Maybe you and your pal can mend things -- cliche to say, but time can heal quite a few wounds. See if you can work it out. 


There's nothing that a good ice cream cone can't fix! Treat yourself and your friends to a night out at your favorite local ice cream spot -- or go road tripping for your new favorite flavor. 


You're allowed to change your mind! Just because you used to feel strongly about something doesn't mean you can't feel differently now. Don't be ashamed to admit that you've grown and learned -- or simply have different feelings now. 


Don't be afraid to be a little unorthodox this month, Cap. You're usually all about tradition and time-tested methods, but this could be your month to shake things up and think outside the box. Give it a try!


There's a fine line between being realistic and being negative. It's good to understand that not everything will be perfect, but don't go too far in the other direction and rain on every parade that goes by. Balance is key! 


Get up and get moving! Now's the perfect time to join a new gym, find a new walking buddy, or borrow a dog to take out for a nightly summer stroll. You'll find that getting your heart pumping isn't just good for your body -- it's great for your mood, too.

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