How's your summer going, everyone? This month, we can look forward to holidays, warm lazy nights, road trips and crab feasts. So what's in your future, specifically? Madame Maryland has looked into the stars for you, and this is what she's seen...
You've got energy to burn, Aries -- and you can put it to so many good uses! This is the perfect month to clean out your closets, decorate your living room or porch, and host a party or a brunch. You're going to be feeling particularly passionate about the small details and no matter what you put your mind to, you're going to get them all exactly right. Just don't forget to take a break!
You just don't get it. You've got so many friends and family members -- so why do you feel so isolated this month? It seems like everyone is busy, and you're trying not to let it sting. Take this month to make some new friends, whether you head online or you meet some new people at local events like concerts at Merriweather or a happy hour in Baltimore. No need to ditch your old friends, but you may be surprised by how great new ones can be.
You've been rushing around and tearing your hair out all month, Gemini, and now you're under doctor's orders to take it easy. Okay, maybe it'd be a bit extreme to confine you to bed rest, but why not clear out a weekend and just keep it for yourself? Comfy
tees and sweatpants, your favorite Netflix series on loop, and a kibosh on opening your emails or answering the phone. Your body and soul are going to thank you!
Is a new romance on the horizon for you? Don't pass up the chance to have the most romantic summer that you can! You never know when you'll lay eyes on that special somebody, whether you're in line for fries on the Boardwalk or you're chilling at your favorite coffee shop or bookstore. (And if they're wearing R1A clothing? You know they're a winner.) Opportunity is knocking, Cancer, so don't be afraid to answer!
Don't let an old gripe or problem get you down this month, Leo. It's time to find some way to let go for good! Talk it out with a trusted friend, commit yourself to putting it behind you, and give yourself something to look forward to in the coming weeks of July. There's so much good stuff on the horizon, and it's time to claim those happy feelings! (You'll find that a tableful of steamed
crabs can make any problem disappear.)
Now's the perfect time to start examining your goals, Virgo. Maybe you're thinking big, like your ten-year plan for life, your education or big purchases. Maybe you're thinking small, like what R1A
pieces you want to add to your wardrobe, or how you want to re-organize your bedroom. Either way, don't let those dreams just sit there! July is a great month to draw up the plans and get to work, and you'll be so satisfied with the results.
It feels like just about everything is frustrating to you this month, Libra! Small irritations or big annoyances -- they're all piling on, and it makes it easy for you to blow up at well-meaning friends or coworkers. Try to prevent that from happening by focusing more on self-care. It's okay to step out and take a deep breath, or call a friend and vent. Look after yourself and all things will be as the scales should be -- in perfect balance.
It's time to turn your space into a relaxing oasis! What could be better than coming home to a bedroom or a bathroom that's comforting and revitalizing? Stock it with these
candles, play some of your more low-key music (maybe skip the heavy metal, at least for a little while) and commit yourself to letting the stress and anxiety of the day melt away. You're going to wish you had done this way sooner.
Who says a gathering with friends has to be a formal affair? Not us -- after all, what really matters is getting to have good food, good drinks, and time with people that you really care about. Whether you're hosting a Fourth of July bash or you just feel like having an impromptu BBQ, your loved ones are really going to be pleased that you took the time to have them over. (And don't forget the fun
glasses while you're at it!)
This month, you're going to really feel like you've been granted the gift of gab! Capricorn, this is a month for you to communicate clearly and charm everyone you speak to. Take advantage of this ability by making your stance on things clear, complimenting everyone you meet, and offering constructive criticism that is actually going to help the person you're working with instead of cutting them down. It's pretty great to be listened to, huh?
It's July, so why are you already thinking about the holidays, Aquarius? Well, no worries -- you'll just be ahead of the game once the time actually arrives. (After all, it's less than six months until Christmas!) Who says you can't start buying wrapping paper in the sweltering Maryland heat? Not us, that's for sure! But we do draw the line at singing carols, at least for right now.
They say the perfect is the enemy of the good, and that seems to particularly apply to you this month, Pisces. You're on a perfectionist streak and you want everything to be just so, and it's good to hold yourself to high standards -- but don't forget that it's okay to make mistakes, too! (We hear this from kindergarten on, but seriously, everybody does.) Be sure to fess up, ask for help, and move on. You deserve it!