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Madame Maryland's Horoscope: January 2019

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: January 2019

Happy 2019, Marylanders! A new year means a new start, but what could it possibly be? Madame Maryland has looked into her crystal ball to find out what the start of this new year means for each and every one of you -- here's what she saw.

Feeling a bit lethargic lately? You may be having a hard time getting into the swing of normal work or school after the holiday season -- it's a big adjustment, we know. It's time to think about what really motivates you so you can be more enthusiastic about getting back to the grind. No matter what that thing is, don't be afraid to jump in whole-heartedly. It'll be good for you!
It's all about animals this month, Taurus. Maybe you're getting a new pet, or maybe someone close to you is getting one -- one you can cuddle and play with without having to pick up after! Or maybe you'll be drawn to a zoo, farm or aquarium instead. No matter what it is, you'll be feeling a great connection with some furry friends. (Psst, we've got some awesome pet products for them!)
What have you been wanting to do all last year and never gotten around to, Gemini? Maybe you spent all of 2018 saying "Maybe next month" -- and look, now a whole year has passed. Don't let that happen to you in 2019! This year, you'll be glad you got an early jump on that goal or project. We know you can do it! 
This is the month where new friendships are going to be popping up left and right, Cancer. Maybe you'll be hitting it off with new coworkers, or maybe you'll be introduced to a great new circle of folks at a party. No matter what it may be, you'll be starting off on a great new foot for the new year -- and these could be some friends you'll take far beyond 2019.
You've been chewing on a problem for a little while now, Leo, and this is the month in which you come up with the solution at last. Maybe you'll get some advice from a good friend, or you might come up with it in the middle of the night when you get up for a cup of water...but either way, that solution is finally going to make itself known. Whew!
You've got a wicked sense of humor, and people are really going to take notice of your wit this month. With such charm, there's no doubt that you'll be able to make some new connections or get a favor or two! Just make sure that your jokes aren't being used to hurt anybody -- it can bite you in the backside later in the month if you do. 
January is going to be all about planning properly, Libra, and you're ahead of the game. You're feeling more organized than normal lately -- maybe it's the new planner that you bought on sale?-- and you're ready to turn your entire life into a sparkling and totally new one. Marie Kondo's got nothing on you this month! 
2019 is a perfect year to stop carrying your old regrets around, Scorpio. If there's anything that you feel bad about from the year before, it's time to let it go for good. After all, there are only two things you can do -- fix the things you have control over and quit worrying about the things you don't. Starting with a clean slate is the best feeling, isn't it? 
Everyone has been super kind to you this month, from strangers to close friends. It's like everybody around you has been invested in spoiling you -- so don't fight it! You're loved by so many, and they all want to show you how much you mean to them. (And really, who could blame them, Sag?) Be sure to show your gratitude to them as much as possible!  
Are you expressing yourself as much as you'd like to be, Capricorn? If you've been feeling stifled and un-expressed, you may want to use the new start that this year brings to free your creativity and opinions as much as possible. Take a painting class, join a writing workshop, or go out and do some karaoke with some friends! You'll feel much freer once you do.
Travel is calling your name this month, Aquarius. Even if you only get as far as a new place in Maryland (and there are so many hidden gems here!), you'll want to scratch that itch as soon as possible. Gas up the car, grab some of your pals, make a road trip playlist and hit the highway -- who says you need to wait for the summer?
Have you considered making a big change this month? If so, you'll want to keep it under consideration. It's not a good idea to jump into something that you haven't thought long and hard about. By the end of January, you should know for sure if you should do this thing. We know you'll make the right choice! 

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