
Madame Maryland's Horoscope: February 2024

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: February 2024

Happy February, Marylanders! The year is under way and spring is on the horizon...well, if you squint, anyway. What does the season ahead hold in store? Well, Madame Maryland looked into her crystal ball, and here's what she saw. 


Ready to tackle to TBR? You're in a bookish mood this month, so why not try reading some books that are outside of your usual realm? If you usually read romance novels, try a sci-fi epic or a biography -- expand your horizons!



Trust your instincts this month! If something doesn't feel quite right in your gut, take notice of that feeling and act accordingly. You might know more about the feeling of a situation than you realize. 


If you keep comparing your life to that of others, you'll miss everything that makes your day-to-day special and important! Forget about keeping up with the Joneses, Gemini. You've got plenty to be thankful for. 


You don't have to agree with the crowd to ensure that your friends still like you! Don't bottle up your feelings or lie just to avoid having a disagreement. True friends won't leave you just because you happen to have a difference in opinion.


Got your passport ready? It may be time to take off for some warmer weather and sunnier days. If you're feeling stir-crazy, it may be time to finally get your friends together and book that cruise or beach trip that you've always been talking about. 


What always relaxes you after a stressful day? Whatever that may be, take full advantage of it if the winter blues are making you feel frazzled, whether it's taking a bath or heading out for karaoke. 


You're feeling awfully generous this month! No matter what it is you have a lot of in February -- whether that's time, energy, or money -- you're ready to spread the wealth. It's a great way to show the people you care about how grateful you are for them. 


It's time to be unapologetic and get excited about what you love! Your interests and passions are important, and you shouldn't have to hide your feelings. Spend time around people who support the things you care about this month, and you'll feel a lot better. 


Have you been hanging back and avoiding making friends with coworkers or neighbors? You could be denying yourself some great friendships, Sagittarius! Make some time to introduce yourself and strike up a conversation this month. For all you know, they could be your closest friends come this time next year. 


Don't get careless this month, Capricorn! Being a bit more cautious this month could be just what you need to avoid a silly mistake. Look twice, check your work, and you won't regret it! 


It's time to finally make a decision on something big you've been mulling over, Aquarius. If you've spent all winter wondering if you should finally make that big purchase, now's the time to commit. You're ready! 


Are some new recipes calling your name? Don't let your lack of experience or your limited ingredients hold you back. There's plenty of creative food you can make on any budget, so get to it -- you might just discover your new favorite recipe. 

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