Madame Maryland's Horoscope: February 2023

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: February 2023

Happy February, Marylanders! The winter months are rolling along, and the second month of the year could be bringing all kinds of new opportunities. What's in store? Well, Madame Maryland looked into her crystal ball, and here's what she saw. 



They say you should do one thing each day that scares you. We don't know about every single day, but why not use this month to find your inner bravery? Speak up, try that wild thrill ride, or find the courage to walk away from something that doesn't serve you.  



No need to rush this month, Taurus! Taking your time to ensure every detail is just right will really serve you well. You'll avoid some real headaches by making sure you're doing it right instead of having to do it twice.


What local history is hiding all around you? Gemini, now's a great time to explore your own corner of Maryland and find out more about your own family's history here. You may be amazed at what you find! 


This month, spend less time thinking about what others are achieving or getting, and more time focusing on yourself! Remember, the lives of others aren't always as perfect as they seem, so don't worry about measuring up to an impossible standard. Just do you!


Does your house, apartment, or dorm feel like home, Leo? Now's a great time to put your energy into making this space feel right! Think about what makes a space feel happy and calm to you, and get rid of whatever doesn't help you feel homey.


Feeling the winter blues? A little shopping spree could turn that frown upside down! Your smart saving and spending will pay off for you now that you're feeling the urge to treat yourself. Get yourself something nice!


Lately, someone new -- or a few new someones -- have been making their way into your inner circle. It's time for them to prove that they're true friends! This month, they may really be there for you when times get tough and you need someone to lean on. 


Big positive changes are obviously exciting, but they can also be scary! New relationships, moving, or new jobs can all lead to some serious anxiety, even if you really want what's coming. Take a deep breath and remember this is going to be amazing. 



What in your life needs an update, Sag? It could be as simple as a new phone or a new computer for work, or something as abstract as an upgraded life goal. Keep in mind you don't have to be set in your old ways or stick with old habits -- you can always improve!


Everyone burns the midnight oil or drinks too much caffeine from time to time, but if you're truly sabotaging your sleep schedule, now's the month to take a step back and figure out how to get back on track. Sleep can work some serious wonders, so don't go without it!



Tired of being someone's yes man or woman? February will be the right time to make your true feelings known -- and sometimes, you've just got to say no! You may be surprised that people will take a polite no with grace and respect, so go ahead and be honest.


It may be the middle of winter, but you're craving some plants and flowers! Indulge in a trip to a local greenhouse or nursery and bring home some succulents, blooms, or houseplants to give yourself a little mid-winter boost. Just don't forget to water them!

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