Madame Maryland's Horoscope: August 2023

Eva Niessner

Madame Maryland's Horoscope: August 2023

Happy August, Marylanders! The dog days of summer have arrived, but that doesn't mean fall is here just yet. There's plenty of summer left, so how will you spend it? What's in store? Madame Maryland looked into her crystal ball, and here's what she saw.



Did last month feel totally chaotic? You're seeking all things stable this month, Aries. Stick to the people and activities that are reliable and comforting instead of putting up with the ones that always keep you guessing. 



Been feeling blue? It's time to get out and have some fun! Make time to go to comedy club or start that super-funny streaming series that everyone's been recommending. You've earned a few laughs! 


Does it feel like no one's been listening to a word you've been saying? It's time to communicate clearly so there's no room for doubt! Be firm and direct, and don't be wishy-washy. You'll be much more successful. 


Your sweet tooth could take you to some interesting new places this month, Cancer! Want to try something different and special? Make the time to venture to restaurants and bakeries where you've never been -- you could discover a new favorite.


Not everyone in your life is meant to stay forever, Leo, and that's okay. Some people are just meant to be present for a few weeks or months, and you'll move on and meet new people. Life is full of comings and goings.  


You'll never get better at those skills and hobbies if you don't try at them! Virgo, practice really makes perfect, and you can't be good at everything off the bat. Pick one thing you'd really like to improve at and devote yourself to it this month. 


You're seeking advice this month --maybe you're getting ready to make a big decision, and you want to consult someone who can counsel you well! Think about the people in your life with the experience and smarts that will serve you well and pick their brain this August. They could save you a lot of time and trouble!


Are you determined to be in a bad mood, Scorpio? It doesn't take much to let a few missteps or bad moments turn the whole day sour. Instead of wallowing in the small things, take a deep breath and keep going.  


Not feeling much hustle this month? Maybe this is the perfect time to recharge and rejuvenate. After all, no plant blooms all year round! If you're wondering where your motivation and creativity went, be patient. They'll come back! 


What inspires you, Cap? If you've been looking for a muse, this could be the month in which you find one. A person, place, or work of art could give you the spark you need to create something incredible, so be on the lookout for it! 


Sometimes, all you need to do to make a big difference is be willing to listen. If someone you care about has to vent, Aquarius, let them get it off their chest! You could be making things a lot easier for them just be being present. 


Could your furry friend use, well, a friend? This might be a great time to bring another pet into your home -- maybe there's a well-deserving rescue that's at capacity, or maybe a friend's pet has just had a new litter that's looking for a loving family. Your cat or dog might love having a new companion!

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