
Route One Apparel, FINALIST in Under Armour competition

The UMD Entrepreneurship Invitational is held every year around the end of March, and is powered by the Dingman Center of Entrepreneurship and the Robert H. Smith School of Business.  This year, Route One Apparel was chosen to participate in the top 5 competition on March 30, 2012.

The competition itself was started by Kevin Plank '96, beginning in 2006.  According to the R. H. Smith Invitational website, "The competition is designed to identify and support students and young alumni who have already started their own businesses."  These top 5 competitors chosen out of hundreds pitch their ideas in front of 600+ people, a panel chosen by Kevin Plank, Maryland state governor Martin O'Malley, and can win over $25,000 in prizes.

This year, the finalists included:
  • 10G Systems, a supplier of web-based transportation software to small to mid-size shippers.
  • Food Safety Administration, provider of online courses for food service professionals required to earn food and alcohol safety certifications
  • Reed Street Productions, operators of Run for Your Lives, a zombie themed adventure race attracting thousands of participants
  • Route One Apparel, an e-commerce platform for creative apparel designed by students
  • Visisonics, a UMD spinout that enables realistic 3D audio for music, movies and gaming in standard headphones
It was a tough competition, and Route One Apparel placed 3rd.  Cupid's Cup opened many doors for us and we look forward to our future growth because of this competition!

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