spring cleaning

5 Spring Cleaning Tips You Might Not Have Thought About

Eva Niessner

5 Spring Cleaning Tips You Might Not Have Thought About

Spring has sprung, and you know what that means...it's time to clean! Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition, and we'll all be dusting, vacuuming, and tossing all of the delivery boxes we accumulated during our quarantine winter soon. But there are some tips you may not have considered when it comes to spring cleaning. Check out a few of our suggestions! 


Blast your favorite playlist

If you see cleaning as a big, bothersome process, you’re not going to put your heart into the process. It’s time to see it as an opportunity to live in a tidy new space, and that’s something to be excited about. Keep the momentum up by playing your favorite music loud! 

Put a dryer sheet in the bottom of your trash can

Taking out the trash is a necessary part of cleaning up, but pulling out that stinky trash bag makes us all want to procrastinate as much as possible. A cheap and easy way to cut down on the smelliness is to put a dryer sheet in the bottom of the trash can, under the bag. Voila! Those nasty smells will be absorbed and your kitchen will be a little fresher. 

Use old socks and undershirts as dusting rags

If you’ve got a sock with a big hole in the toe or an undershirt that doesn’t fit anymore, don’t just throw it out. Reuse them as dusting rags! (Wash them first, of course.) They’ll make great and eco-friendly cleaning tools that you can use again and again -- goodbye, dust on the fan blades and behind the microwave. 

Clean your mattress, not just your bedding

Everyone knows how important it is to wash your bedding regularly, but when’s the last time you cleaned your mattress? After you strip off the sheets, sprinkle some baking soda on it and give it a few hours to suck up any odors. Then, vacuum everything up and enjoy a fresh mattress that will be totally ready for those laundered sheets, pillowcases, and blankets.  

Haul everything out of your closet to sort

We stole this one from Marie Kondo because, come on, it’s such a good idea. Basically, she advises taking every single piece of clothing out of your closet and then going through the pile one by one. It might seem a little bit labor intensive, but it’s going to ensure that you get a good look at absolutely everything. Toss the ones that are stained or torn, donate the ones that don’t fit, and put away everything that you want to keep. Boom! Your closet is clean, and you’ve got plenty of room for new Route One Apparel items.

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